Are you having trouble staying consistent on digital media because you've run out of content ideas?
Or do you feel like you're constantly repeating yourself, telling the same story over and over?
Or are you just a little low on inspiration and want to learn some new ways to find content ideas for your digital marketing?
I'm going to share some of my own personal tips, tricks, and hacks on how to consistently come up with new and fresh content ideas for your digital media channels.
So if you want to learn how to find content ideas for Instagram, how to find content ideas for YouTube, for Facebook, for your blog, your podcast, anything else, make sure that you stick it out until the end, and let's get started.
If you're a content creator, a blogger, YouTuber, podcaster, photographer, videographer, or a creative entrepreneur, chances are, at some point, you're going to run out of content ideas, or these moments are going to hit where you feel uninspired.
and when those moments hit, it's really hard to come up with new and fresh content ideas in digital marketing for your channels.
So here are my top five tips on how to stay consistent in your content creation, even during those uninspired moments.
1:- is don't try to reinvent the wheel.
As a creator, your creative need to come up with the most creative idea out there might actually be what's stopping you from coming up with any content ideas at all.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with checking on other people in your niche and seeing what's working for them. What kind of content are they putting out that seems to be performing well?
What kind of topics do they discuss that get a lot of engagement from their audience?
Now, in no way am I saying that it's okay for you to just go and copy them because it's not.
Firstly, because you're better than this.
And secondly, because you're never going to be as good at being them as they are.
But, that being said, you can totally create your own authentic and creative version of the content that has already proven to do well.
There are thousands of
- podcast episodes,
- blogs
- Instagram captions
that talk about the same thing, but that doesn't make them exactly the same.
2:- is to ask your audience.
It's never been as easy as it is today to survey your audience on what kind of content they really want you to create,
and this is how easy it is
- But, basically, you're going to go to Instagram, and we're going to create a new story,
- and then we're going to use the question sticker.
- And what this will allow you to do is ask a question to your audience,
- Or let them submit their questions to you.
- what type of videos or post do you want me to make in the future?
If you're a wedding photographer, for example, you could also put, what are your questions about wedding photography?
we could also just put in, ask me anything, and then you post it.
You can. Just make it beforehand, and then put the sticker over it once you're creating the story.
The thing is, once you post it, for 24 hours, people will be able to submit their questions, or answers, depending on what you put on the sticker, and you can then reply to them directly through a message in your stories, or you can just choose to use that information to create longer-form content.
3:- is to ask yourself.
There are plenty of things that you could be sharing with your audience that you're simply overlooking. Because our own lives seem so common to us, they don't feel like anything special anymore, and sometimes, that makes us overlook the content possibilities that are right in front of us.
So to help you come up with new content ideas all year round,
I've put together a free list of a hundred questions you can ask yourself to come up with new content ideas for well over 365 days, and that are simple things, such as,
- who's your mentor?
- Who do you look up to?
- Or how did you get started in your career, your field, or your niche?
- But also more in-depth questions, such as what breaks your heart about what you do?
- What lights you up about what you do?
- Or what are the 25 most commonly asked questions about your product, your service, or your business?
So make sure you stick it out until the end and I will show you exactly how to get your hands on that list
4:-is to create one piece of long-form content.
So instead of trying to create different pieces of content for all your different channels, and running the risk that you're spreading yourself too thin, or that you simply don't have time to keep up with all that content creation, or worse, that you burn through all of your ideas in a week, what you want to do is, you create one piece of long-form content.
And then you create all your other content for your other channels from that one piece of content. So, for me, my long-form content is my youtube videos. I then get those videos transcribed and turn them into a blog post. But also, on the day that I go live with a video, I post a short video announcement on Instagram, I Tweet about it, and I post it on Facebook.
Now, let's say that you like to interview people.
Then make a longer video for YouTube with the entire interview, but use shorter edits, shorter clips for your other social media channels. If you're a poet, you can put together a bundle of your poems, and then share shorter pieces on Instagram, or create a longer video, the video of a spoken word, post it on YouTube, and again, make sure it is something that you can post on Instagram or Facebook.
I can keep going, but I'm sure, by now, you know what I mean.
5:- is keyword research
Keyword research will allow you to find out what people who are in your niche, or who are interested in your niche, are actually searching for, and once you find out what they're searching for, you can create content completely tailored to their needs.
The researcher that I use to do this is
- Keywords Everywhere
- Ubersuggest
- Ahref and etc
So what researcher will allow you to do is that every time that you search on Google, it will show you the monthly search volume for that keyword or keyword phrase, as well as the cost per click and competition data.
And, on top of that, it will also show you related keywords, and keywords that people in your niche might also be looking for.
But what's also really interesting is that it will show you related keywords like, how to play guitar for beginners, how to play guitar course, also with the search volume per month, the cost per click and the competition.
And then when you scroll further down, and this is where you can get your new ideas for content is, it will also tell you what people are also searching for on top of how to play guitar. So someone might also be looking for the
- basics of guitar
- Finger guitar
- just fingerpicking
- how to play guitar for kids
- how to play guitar online
- best online guitar lessons for beginners.
So this can give you other ideas for content to create in your niche and on your topics.
So that's it. Once again, let's take a look at those fine tips. So firstly,
don't try to reinvent the wheel.
Then ask your audience and ask yourself.
Stick to creating one piece of long-form content
and then create everything else from there, and do keyword research to make sure that the content you're making is actually something your audience wants to see and is looking for.
I guarantee you, if you implement these five tips into your content creation process, you will never run out of ideas again.
If you have any questions about this topic, or anything else, make sure you put them in the comments below.
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